There’s nothing quite like reviewing one’s 42 years of ministry in the course of two Sundays via 300+ of my closest friends and family; to put so much of my life in perspective; while offering large doses of tears and laughter; humility & appreciation throughout! And a good time was had by all…especially me! 🙂
I was truly blown away by the August 18 Celebration Day and my final time of worship with you the very next Sunday…Covenant, you outdid yourselves…I always knew we could party hardy, but this party was amazing! It truly was “A Gathering of Spirits and a Festival of Friends,” (Carrie Newcomer) The flowing chocolate fountain; a variety of delicious homemade cookies & brownies; fruit; and a beautifully decorated cake created by Suzanne Hopkins. My thanks to the Retirement Party Committee and all who helped make this such a memorable occasion! The tributes were so overwhelming…at one time I wasn’t all that certain people were talking about me and my ministry…but what fun to look back and remember the twists and turns of ministry as we shared life together and now as we dare to faithfully move into God’s future.
The children’s songs; the Choir’s special music both Sundays; the delightful and rousing send off into that Great Gettin’ Up Mornin’ of retirement. And a heartfelt thank you for the generous love offering; the picture puzzle; the foundation brick—so I’ll never be one brick shy of a full load J; the beautiful plate from the Elders; the wonderful children’s Kindness Quilt book; the detailed and lovingly created scrapbook. And the gift of the remembrance candle that will burn brightly in my home, inscribed with “Favorite people, favorite places, favorite memories of the past…These are the Joys of a lifetime…These are the things that last…”
Leading up to and during these times of celebration, I was soaring high, yet I knew that the most difficult task still lay before me…to preach that one last message at Covenant. I prayed for strength and the ability to share just the right words with you, and I prayed for your ability to hear those words. I also knew I needed to make it through the Litany of Farewell and to somehow bring the service to a close that would symbolically allow us and invite us to transform our relationship with each other, from that of pastor and church member to simply being dear and loving friends…so off came the robe and stole as I took a seat among you in the congregation…
And when the time came to give and receive hugs, smiles, handshakes and fist bumps for the last time I knew that separation-anxiety was nigh and that the real work of grieving would then begin. We’ve all experienced this in one form or another when we find ourselves glancing over our shoulder, looking at the past, and we’re left wondering how we arrived at this moment; this milestone, so quickly. Where does the time go?
God has woven us into this beautiful tapestry of shared ministry through the years…using the brightly colored threads of Covenant members and guests past and present; colleagues and friends both near and far; former interns and associates; young people now all grown up; couples I have married; children I held in their first 24 hours of life; those I have dedicated and baptized; family members of those who have died…co-laborers in Christ’s vineyard throughout this region.
Together thru the years we have made a difference in the lives of many who have come our way… God has called us and equipped us with different gifts so that we might serve God in special ways. You have each touched my life in countless ways…and I can only pray that I have done so with you…It has been a most wonderful privilege to be in relationship with you as we enjoyed God and celebrated God among us; while enjoying one another as we served God together…
I thank God for YOU…filling my life with goodness, love and support…during times of indescribable joy; times of deep sorrow when each of my parents died; times of great challenge during my cancer surgeries, treatment and recovery…and for the many times you have allowed me to be in all of life with you…
So, as we prepare to be apart from each other, may we be nourished and strengthened by the Spirit of the Living God…May we each take comfort in the words of Paul to the church in Rome reminding us that nothing can separate us from each other…“…neither death, nor life; nor angels nor rulers, nor things present; nor things to come; nor powers nor height nor depth, nor retirement; nor a mountain house…nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord…”
As I move into my retirement years I do so guided by these words of Eleanor Roosevelt, “Do one thing every day that scares you” plus these anonymous words, “Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, totally worn out and proclaiming, ‘Wow, what a ride!’”
So in order to do this, I want to wake up each day with a passion; with a smile on my face…and I can honestly say that for most of my life and for most of my ministry, I have done just that…And I choose to do so from this day forward…
So, Look out world…I am now Retired and Extremely Dangerous! 🙂
“For all that has been…THANKS! For all that will be…YES!
Blessings, Rev. Joanne